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From the readme:
<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code"> /*
This is the readme for the Video / Tut and my tests related to this YT Video from Unity3D College:
<div class="flex-video flex-video-youtube"><iframe title="Creating Objects in Unity3D using the Factory Pattern" width="596" height="335" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
All (c) copyright and kudos to !!! (Thanks btw. for all the nice tutorials)
I recreated the project and took the source code from the videos to build the...
Factory Pattern Example in Unity
...the Button Script was not shown in the Tut Video - so maybe this has to be checked again.
I also included a new (third) Ability with a different naming. (The creation of a third ability is shown - I did the same)
Feel free to create your forth .. Ability as a test too ;-)
Versions: (Like shown in the Video)
v1 - FirstVersionOfAbilityClass
v2 - ReflectionAbility
v3 - StaticReflectionAbility
(All Versions are in Ability.cs Files separated by namespaces / this is also different to the Tutorial)
I created simple but open source / public domain Particle Effects to show the abilities (different to Tutorial)
As far as I remember the Tutorial is refering to the Particle GameObjects - this is different here (But works / feel free to change to GO)
I renamed the Propertys to lowercase - which is not correct according to this video... (Please change back)