I want to share some insights on WordPress Widgets creation since this is my current project and this widget is now also available on this site.
On the right side next to each post – there is the widget area. And since 2 days there is now a new “box” aka widget which displays some very good deals. (Currently on hifi products but it’s planned to select Unity or App related things in there in the near future)
Update – Installation and Configuration in detail:
WP official – what are widgets and how to manage them in your wordpress site:
About the Plugin / Widget
Show the hottest deals related to your blogs content to offer your visitors unique and always up to date content so they come back and visit often.
Download and activate this plugin to and in your WordPress Blog. Select the deal category your visitors are interested in (Related to your pages content) and voila… You are done and the latest deals will be shown next to your articles and posts.
Beispiel Text:
Language: We submit the visitors browser language to the deal api to pick the relevant deals for this visitor.
Please inform your visitors accordingly. We do not store or use the user data in any other case than finding the correct deal feed.
Geo-IP: We submit the visitors geoIP / IP to the deal api to pick the relevant deals for this visitor.
Please inform your visitors accordingly. We do not store or use the user data in any other case than finding the correct deal feed.
This plugin / widget is a cooperation between the two developers Codetoffel and bgp.
Codetoffel – created the webscrapping infrastructure to get the hottest deals. (Done via Python, exported as JSON)
bgp – created the WordPress Plugin and Widget part to display the JSON.
Direct / From your WordPress blog:
- Go to your wordpress admin site “yoursite.com/wp-admin”
- Login and then access “yoursite.com/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=upload
- Upload and activate this plugin
- Now go to admin menu -> appearance -> widgets
- Drag widget to desired sidebar and save the settings
- Make sure that the deals match your theme. There are several options to display the deals. (To match your theme – for details see the settings section)
First via your computer:
- Download the Deal Widget installation package (zip file) and extract the files to your computer.
- Create a new directory named deal_widget_de in the wp-content/plugins
directory of your WordPress installation. Use an FTP or SFTP client to
upload the contents of the widgets zip archive to the new directory
that you just created on your web host. - Log in to the WordPress Dashboard and activate the RSS Feed Widget plugin.
- Once the plugin is activated, a new deal_widget will appear in your WordPress admin -> appearance -> widgets.
Upgrade your installation:
To upgrade an existing installation of this plugin to the most recent release, follow these steps…
- Download the deal-widget-de installation package (zip) and extract the files to your computer
- Upload the new PHP files to wp-content/plugins/deal-widget-de and enable overwriting any existing file in this folder
- Log in to your WordPress administrative interface immediately after the upload in order to see whether there are any further tasks that you need to perform to complete the upgrade
- Enjoy the new features of the Widget
This WordPress Plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
any later version.
This free software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this software. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html.