From the Jam site… (Scroll down for the post mortem)
Repair the track before the marble reaches the spot.
(…game in 1 senctence)
As always – I had great ideas and a project scope of several weekends after the KeyNote. The result is a rough overview of what I had in mind.
Game idea:
Actually several balls should roll along a marble run. The broken parts of the track have to be repaired before the balls reach them. In the intended multiplayer mode the “passed” balls were counted and a winner was determined.
The weather was bad in our region and my little son really wanted to play with his father. Which I then used to do some IRL practice tests + build a logo with him. The time available was dwindling more and more.
The icing on the cake was that I broke the repair control shortly before the deadline. Drag & Drop reacts on the track part – but unfortunately the snapping ruins the result.
The Demo Scene and the first GameLevel hopefully give a feeling of my idea. The sources and the binary file to play are uploaded. Maybe I will put more uploads and improved versions on my website in the next days.
Have fun… We had it. 😉
Post Mortem:
This site is still unfinished – I have a lot of ToDos in my list 😉
The Post Mortem part of this site was never finished. If you understand German – the most important things are documented in the DevDoc. I created this document during and finished it after the Jam.
Dev Doc – Teaser:
Link to the PDF Version of the DEV Doc: