Today we have a first planning meeting for the upcoming Ludum Dare game jam, starting in a few days. “We”… because this time I will team up with my cousin Mario aka “Schorle”. I’m pretty sure this this will raise my attention to participate and I will stick to the Ludum Dare weekend. (This was a major problem for me last time and on easter Ludum Dare 2016).
Moto: Let’s make Ludum dare great again 😉
For the planning meeting I noted down the following points:
- Let’s make Ludum Dare great again!
- Motivational video from LD37
- Jam, Compo etc.
- Goal and price = your game!
Unity – JS – but… Shoudl we focus on Tools?
I do not need Unity… But this tool is the one I know best…
Unity and BitBucket / Repo integration:
Planning Excel Sheet:
reuse the Excel from LD37 😉