LD38 – Save the Post

Backup/Mirror of the post on the old Ludum Dare website.


Title: I’m in

Yes... This will be a nice weekend!
Last 3 LD's I did not finish (did not really participate) because I had so much "non Ludum Dare" stuff to do...
But this time I blocked the whole weekend...

My Moto*: <strong>Make LUDUM DARE great again!</strong> ;-)

This time I will join as "Hackschnitzel" (on the new site) together with my cousin "Codetoffel".

TOOLS - Hackschnitzel:
[X] Unity (We are creating games... Yes... I finally switched to Unity)
[X] C# and Visual Studio (Standard with Unity)
[X] Inkscape (Love it... Create Vector Art for free)

[?] PlanetUnity2 https://github.com/SmallPlanetUnity/PlanetUnity2 (Never used - but I want to try this to create the UI)
[?] Some of my Assets? (Who knows... Maybe I have something usefull to "reuse"?)

[?] Blender (3D Models if needed)
[?] Photoshop / for the final touch! (Image Editing... Normaly I use it for the finish / reduce filesize etc.)
[?] Audacity (Need some custom sounds? - Record them with Audacity)
[?] Paint3D ;-) Who knows... (3D Models... Used it for 10 Minutes... Maybe enough for the needed 3D Objects?)

[?] http://www.bfxr.net (Sound / Music Generator)
[?] http://www.fakemusicgenerator.com (Guess by the name...)

[?] WordPress Blog (Note down my private Ludum Dare Log)
[X] ShareX (Screenshots)
[?] Magix Video Deluxe (If I want to create a video)

[?] MS Excel Spreadsheet for time planning (My "Hammer" - The tool I use for everything - if I have not better tool)
[X] Atom (Copy & Paste Bin + small snippets)

[X] Skype (Yes, we will use E-mail, Whatsapp and Threema... But skype offers screen sharing!)

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