Ludum Dare 38 – D101 – Planning

This is my first official post while participating in the (JAM) contest.
I started my day at 06:00 am (alarm was ringing) and I was very interested to get to know the theme.
So I skipped to snooze (WOW – first time…!!!) and found out the most important sentence for the next 72 hours… “a small world”.

I tried to sleep again – since my babyboy was not yet awake… But it was imossible and so I started to do some homework to calm my wife for the next days.

This is my schedule… I created a rogh overview of the hours I have to get an overview, how many hours I really have. This is the optimistic planning 😉 But since I do not have to buy a kitchen like the last time I’m optimistic to stick to the planning at least for 10% 😉

—Do not text 😉 start prototyping—

Took Ben –
Looked onto the website/twitch, found out, that others had the same “idea” (Sphere)… “Has he access into my dreams?” 😉 No… different concept…

Now back to coding and prototyping… 😉

Planning Stuff:

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Again the rules? (Still valid?)

The Jam
The Jam is the Ludum Dare event for everyone. Teams, individuals, anyone that wants to come out and make something.

Work alone or in a team.
Create a game in 72 hours.
You’re free to use any tools or libraries to create your game. You’re free to start with any base-code you may have.

You’re free to use 3rd party Artwork/Music/Audio assets, or assets you previously created, but we ask that you OPT-OUT of the respected voting categories (Graphics, Audio). You can opt-out of a voting category when you submit your game.

We strongly recommend you only use assets that you have the legal right to use (Public Domain, things you licensed/created, etc). If you don’t have the right to use something, it is your responsibility.

Nice ideas from others:

Some drawings of aliens

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