This is my first official post while participating in the (JAM) contest.
I started my day at 06:00 am (alarm was ringing) and I was very interested to get to know the theme.
So I skipped to snooze (WOW – first time…!!!) and found out the most important sentence for the next 72 hours… “a small world”.
I tried to sleep again – since my babyboy was not yet awake… But it was imossible and so I started to do some homework to calm my wife for the next days.
This is my schedule… I created a rogh overview of the hours I have to get an overview, how many hours I really have. This is the optimistic planning 😉 But since I do not have to buy a kitchen like the last time I’m optimistic to stick to the planning at least for 10% 😉
—Do not text 😉 start prototyping—
Took Ben –
Looked onto the website/twitch, found out, that others had the same “idea” (Sphere)… “Has he access into my dreams?” 😉 No… different concept…
Now back to coding and prototyping… 😉
Planning Stuff:
Other Links:
Again the rules? (Still valid?)
The Jam ======= The Jam is the Ludum Dare event for everyone. Teams, individuals, anyone that wants to come out and make something. Work alone or in a team. Create a game in 72 hours. You’re free to use any tools or libraries to create your game. You’re free to start with any base-code you may have. You’re free to use 3rd party Artwork/Music/Audio assets, or assets you previously created, but we ask that you OPT-OUT of the respected voting categories (Graphics, Audio). You can opt-out of a voting category when you submit your game. We strongly recommend you only use assets that you have the legal right to use (Public Domain, things you licensed/created, etc). If you don’t have the right to use something, it is your responsibility.
Nice ideas from others: