LD31 – Save the posts

This post is from the old Ludum Dare Website. Title: LetzHavePhun

I’m not sure if this site will survive the movement to the new domain so here a little Backup.


I'm in... (First time)

So let’s have some fun ;-)


What I will use...


Engine: libGDX, Unity or HTML/CSS, PHP?!

Inkscape, Photoshop Elements, Fireworks3, MS Office 2007 ;-) Whatever does the job ;-)

Some of my ;-) <a href="http://boegi.com/sys/sys-content/plugins/bgp_FImageAArt/AutoArt_demo_001/AutoArtScript.php?bgp=2312&amp;text=Ludum%20Dare%20-%20Tools%20-%20What%20I%20will%20use%20for…&amp;bgcolor=dd3333&amp;textcolor=eeee22&amp;fiwidth=1024&amp;fiheight=1024&amp;fn=AutoFeaturedImage.png&amp;ttffontname=ArchitectsDaughter.ttf&amp;fontsize=40&amp;fontsizemin=30&amp;fontsizemax=120&amp;img_txt_at_x=&amp;img_txt_at_y=&amp;hue=1&amp;presets_all=November.preset.php" target="_blank">magic AutoArtCreation</a> Scripts…


Canon D600 with magic lantern (Record Timelapse)

Magix VideoDeluxe

I have no idea… If – then I will use audacity (for sure) and…

Hmm ;-)


Second Post – (without a title)
Dec 6, 2014 @ 01:42

I decided to create a remake of RetRoBot. One of my very first games. (I found the Pascal source aprox 25 years ago on my dad’s Apple 2 computer)

Here is a link to the html / php JS demo/caseStudy I did some time ago...

For the Compo ludum dare I will create the whole game in Unity (from scratch)

Third Post with title: Puahhhhh…. Finished (In every possible meaning)
Published on: Dec 7, 2014 @ 15:55

My first ludum dare… WOW... That was crazy...

(UPDATE: Here is my submited entry ...)
48 hours is sooo little time. However I'm ready to submit my results. (Or shoudl I say I have to?)
Today... It was HELL... Quick & Dirty is "High Level Coding" compared to what I did. But don't tell anyone... ;-)


40 hours ago... I had dreams... THE BEST GAME EVER ;-)
Today I wasted aprox. 5 hours fixing my buggy StateManager… ARGHHHH….

However... I really had fun... and this is the most important thing...
Maybe I will recode the recode project again (but not this week)

Link to my GAME (Unity Plugin needed)

Here is my website with all info regarding LudumDare31

... and here is the site for my NEW RESULT

Thanks and see you next time ...

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