DevLog – Color harmony and a nice online generator we used to get the first colors for HP and TestApp

Color harmony was taught by an old art teacher at my school.
It was and is interesting, however I did not like the teacher very well and that was the reason why I had to search for color theory again today.

Nice introduction and starting point is (as always) Wikipedia – Harmony (color).

In color theory, color harmony refers to the property that certain aesthetically pleasing color combinations have. These combinations create pleasing contrasts and consonances that are said to be harmonious.

I ended up creating some color palettes on a very powerful Color picker and palette generation tool.

The Link “Tabes / Export” at the right bottom of the generator saves the colors of the palette and you do not have to C&P the colors from the preview 😉

I will use the colors for the first draft of this WordPress website and the initial version of the App Madness360.

Internal DEV Post related to colors in Apps:

Dump the colors for WordPress theme customization:

2Heller = Y
-4 y 84B5E1
-3 y 5897CF

-2            shade 1 = #84B5E1 = rgb(132,181,225) = rgba(132,181,225,1) = rgb0(0.518,0.71,0.882)
-1            shade 2 = #5897CF = rgb( 88,151,207) = rgba( 88,151,207,1) = rgb0(0.345,0.592,0.812)
GrundFarbe   shade 0 = #377FBF = rgb( 55,127,191) = rgba( 55,127,191,1) = rgb0(0.216,0.498,0.749)
+1            shade 3 = #1769B2 = rgb( 23,105,178) = rgba( 23,105,178,1) = rgb0(0.09,0.412,0.698)
+2            shade 4 = #094D8A = rgb(  9, 77,138) = rgba(  9, 77,138,1) = rgb0(0.035,0.302,0.541)


2Dunkler = X
+3 x 063E71
+4 x 032E55

---Not used right now---

Secondary 1 = A (Gelb)

*** Secondary color (1):

   shade 0 = #FFD03C = rgb(255,208, 60) = rgba(255,208, 60,1) = rgb0(1,0.816,0.235)
   shade 1 = #FFE48D = rgb(255,228,141) = rgba(255,228,141,1) = rgb0(1,0.894,0.553)
   shade 2 = #FFD961 = rgb(255,217, 97) = rgba(255,217, 97,1) = rgb0(1,0.851,0.38)
   shade 3 = #FFC610 = rgb(255,198, 16) = rgba(255,198, 16,1) = rgb0(1,0.776,0.063)
   shade 4 = #D6A300 = rgb(214,163,  0) = rgba(214,163,  0,1) = rgb0(0.839,0.639,0)

Secondary 2 = B (Rot)
*** Secondary color (2):

   shade 0 = #FF783C = rgb(255,120, 60) = rgba(255,120, 60,1) = rgb0(1,0.471,0.235)
   shade 1 = #FFB18D = rgb(255,177,141) = rgba(255,177,141,1) = rgb0(1,0.694,0.553)
   shade 2 = #FF9261 = rgb(255,146, 97) = rgba(255,146, 97,1) = rgb0(1,0.573,0.38)
   shade 3 = #FF5A10 = rgb(255, 90, 16) = rgba(255, 90, 16,1) = rgb0(1,0.353,0.063)
   shade 4 = #D64300 = rgb(214, 67,  0) = rgba(214, 67,  0,1) = rgb0(0.839,0.263,0)

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