Ludum Dare 37 – D234-Tooooo slow and to much non Ludum Dare

Ludum Dare 37 theme “One Room”.

I started today with the goal to finish the first Ludum Dare RobotGame. I wanted to reuse code and assets to save some time because I’m very late already.

I will start with:
1. creating a “create room” mechanism.
(flexible room concept)

Hardcode 1 room. Felxible room concept is available but not reusable for this Ludum Dare. (Prefabs not matching the old Prefabs – too much time needed for adjustments)

2. Create prefabs for the robots, the walls and the human
Recreated prefabs from old Sprites. (Looks horrible – but does the job)

3. Place all items and create the room
Done now… Added physics (This is good)

4. Implement the robot logic (catch human)
😉 Nice little sentence – but a lot to do here…

5. Implement the game logic (kill by traps, escaped all robots)
Prefabs are available… Logic can be simulated first (trigger = Debug Message)

Some Screenshots I took during the last 4 hours…

Now I have to go to some “fam appointments”… I will think over the next steps if I can find some minutes… 😉

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