Ludum Dare 37 – D003-Hello Ludum Dare 37

Hello World Ludum Dare 37

My second (or third?) Ludum Dare.
Last time (second LD) I had a lot of unplanned things popping up on the LudumDare weeked and finally I had to skip the contest.
This time I have a lot of “planned” non Ludum Dare related events, but I will code a nice little game!!!

[X] Unity3D ()
[X] InkScape (Motivational Wallpaper, WordPress Featured Image, …)
[X] Notepad++ (4BrainDump)
[X] WordPress (Documenting my work)
[] XYZ
[] Audacity
[] MagixVDLX
[] Blender
[] SnakeOil,

Wish all of you good luck…

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Ludum Dare 37 – D002-WordPress Post Template

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