“Neues Spiel neues Glück” is a German saying. It came into my mind, while creating this first entry in my private Ludum Dare Dev (B)log.
In English ~New game – new “luck” or maybe “Happiness”~ might be a possible translation. Anyway… It does not 100% fit but describes my feelings for the upcoming game jam weekend. (Happiness while creating a new game)
This time I have to start on my own again, since my former teammate Codetoffel is on vacation.
(Maybe I will ask some other colleagues… But … Hmmm I have something special in my mind (technically) and I do not know if it will fit… and therefore… It’s also fine if I’m participating on my own.
Ok – Timetable, planning and stuff… This is what I have to do upfront the contest.
This Post will be my reference blogpost…
PS: Here my official LDJam “I’m in…”
Use this post as a reference…
WP – Category…
WP – Tag…
Create a motivational Image!
WP – Featured Image for the Blogposts
WP – Featured Image in this reference Blogpost
Read Lessons learned from the last Jams.
Planning Stuff:
Other Links:
Again the rules? (Still valid?) http://ludumdare.com/compo/rules/#hidepopup
The Jam ======= The Jam is the Ludum Dare event for everyone. Teams, individuals, anyone that wants to come out and make something. Work alone or in a team. Create a game in 72 hours. You’re free to use any tools or libraries to create your game. You’re free to start with any base-code you may have. You’re free to use 3rd party Artwork/Music/Audio assets, or assets you previously created, but we ask that you OPT-OUT of the respected voting categories (Graphics, Audio). You can opt-out of a voting category when you submit your game. We strongly recommend you only use assets that you have the legal right to use (Public Domain, things you licensed/created, etc). If you don’t have the right to use something, it is your responsibility.